Current Status of e-Health in Peru

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Lady Virginia Murrugarra Velarde


The revolution in science and technology has caused deep changes in human development and its values, with positive and
negative impacts on all spheres of society, particularly on human health. Latin America is faced with several development challenges,
chief among them are public health epidemics, environmental degradation, vulnerability of rampant poverty, geopolitical
climate, impediments towards expansion of education and social services and limited trade competitiveness. Today the threat
of infectious diseases like pneumonia, tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases, malaria, measles and HIV/AIDS have assumed global
proportions and is threatening hardwon gains in health and life expectancy. The threat is hanging over the civilization like a Damocles
Sword. Contagious diseases like AIDS are now the world’s biggest killer of children and young adults. In Peru it has been
heartening to see the establishment of strategic alliances between public institutions and civil society organizations, through the
various collaboration methods using ICTs. The community effect is reflected in the promotion of greater familiarization with the
use of the Internet and assisting medical team’s involvement and access with the activities of the community. One sees with
capacity building activities through knowledge and experience sharing plus skills building of relevant healthcare personnel, the
quality of proper and trusted healthcare for all those living in developing countries is reinforced. ICTs can be of much help and the
axis of e-Health is the greater power acquiring by patient or user. Health information technology is transforming and will continue
to transform health and healthcare in Latin America. It is essential to build human networks, with the support of ICT, that motivate
and harness, in dynamic and systematic form, the interaction between people, thereby strengthening the generation, dissemination
and exchange of information and knowledge based on their professional, institutional and social objectives.


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